Powering the health service

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AVK recently supplied a containerised 1000kVA generator to the new block at Lewisham Hospital in south-east London.

The generator was mounted on the roof and part of the design was to isolate the generator so any vibration during the operation didn't penetrate down into the wards below. This was achieved using layers of sound absorption material within the concrete slab base. Once the design was verified by the sound consultant the construction took place.

Getting the generator into position was a major task. Neither of the site cranes were able to lift the generator into position. The generator was lifted onto the roof and positioned into place using bridging steels and skates. The local fuel tank was fed from the main bulk tank on the site, and was designed to hold twice the normal amount of fuel. AVK designed and constructed a four-hour rated fire proof tank resulting in as little disruption to patients as possible.

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