ECA statement on convergence

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The Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA) and the Heating and Ventilating Contractors' Association (HVCA) have carried out a comprehensive survey of their memberships to determine support for convergence, to bring about a single organisation to represent mechanical and electrical contractors.

The HVCA Council met today and has given its full support to further development of a converged model for the future.

A healthy and positive response has been received from ECA members, although concerns were raised over the preservation of the electrical interests and identity of the ECA. Comments showed an appetite for clarity and definition.

Fifty-seven per cent of ECA respondents were in favour of developing a model for a single organisation with another eight per cent requiring further information.  The overall response will be considered at the ECA Council meeting on 23 April.

The ECA's Chief Executive Officer, David Pollock said: "This has been a very important survey. We had a good response and a majority of respondents supported going to the next stage in developing a model for a single organisation. It is now for ECA Council to determine the way forward. We will continue to ensure that our members are involved in each stage of the consultative process."

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