New Cooper Bussmann line of 1200Vdc fuse-links withstand demanding traction applications

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Cooper Bussmann has introduced its new 170F line 1200Vdc fuse-links specifically designed to meet the challenging transit applications while delivering maximum protection performance. Extensive testing ensures that the fuse-links withstand the shock, vibration and temperature changes  encountered in severe traction service conditions.      

Available in ratings from 160 to 420 amps, the new 170F line has the operating characteristics required for transit applications, including 100kA interrupting rating, low energy let-through and high DC voltage capacity for highly inductive loads. These fuse-links feature blade terminals for ease of installation and can be specified with either visual or remote ‘open fuse' indication.

This new line further extends the company's wide range of circuit protection solutions available to the rail and mass transit industries.

For more information on the new 170F line of 1200Vdc fuses, visit

01509 882 715

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