Reyrolle Pacific Changes Name

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Reyrolle Pacific has had a long and successful history of belonging to the “Reyrolle” group of companies. It’s popular LMVP 11kV indoor circuit breaker switchgear & LMT retrofit solution continue to be a mainstay of utility and heavy industrial users around the world. However, since the company was sold out of the group in 2004, it has always been the intention that the name would change.

As of 01 January 2008, the company will be called RPS Switchgear Ltd.

Company addresses and contact numbers are unchanged. The web site address is and email address will keep the same format but reyrollepacific suffix will be replaced with rpsswitchgear.

Management and staff are excited about the chance to create a new brand and build on our core value of supplying “Reliable Power Solutions” to the electricity industry.

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