EDF Energy welcomes publication of UK energy White Paper

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EDF Energy has welcomed the publication of the energy White Paper and the launch of the nuclear consultation by the trade and industry secretary Alistair Darling.

Vincent de Rivaz, Chief Executive, said: “For our customers the issues are
clear: they are looking to us for security of supply, value for money and action on climate change. The Energy White Paper is an important milestone towards building an energy policy which meets the UK¹s long term needs. We welcome its commitment to energy diversity and its proposals on renewables, carbon capture and energy savings including smart meters.

“EDF Energy also supports its commitment to effective carbon pricing. We believe that a robust system is vital to encourage future investment in low carbon generation

“On nuclear, EDF Energy welcomes and supports the new consultation process. Nuclear is not the solution in itself. But we do believe it is a necessary part of the solution. We believe it¹s vital to build the largest possible consensus on the way forward. We look forward to engaging fully in the forthcoming debate as we have done over recent years. We believe nuclear is an essential part of the future low carbon energy mix alongside more renewables, clean coal, gas and energy saving measures.

“Subject to the outcome of the consultation, we intend to support, jointly with Areva, the EPR nuclear design for new development in the UK. This new design, which is currently being built at Flamanville in Normandy, is the result of extensive research and decades of experience operating existing nuclear power plants.

“We believe that a diverse low carbon energy mix, which includes nuclear, is crucial to address climate change, ensure security of supply and to provide competitively priced electricity for customers.

“Sustainability is going to be embedded in all we do. To underpin this, we will be launching our own detailed Climate Commitments on June 5, which is also World Environment Day.

“This will include a pledge to ensure that every product that is launched in future will be designed to encourage or enable customers to reduce their carbon footprint.”

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