ABB applies safety ruling for project sites

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ABB is issuing special stripping tools to employees and partners in a move designed to avoid accidents caused by site workers using unauthorised Stanley-type knives.

ABB has donated a number of cable stripping tools to one of its installation partners having banned the use of Stanley-type knives for multi-core cable stripping on all its construction sites. The ban is to avoid accidents among workers using Stanley-type knives to strip cable.

ABB is giving the stripping tools to Grosvenor Power Services, its installation partner on National Grid’s Substation Alliance in the UK central region. A multi-core stripping tool has been selected that will work very well on around 80 per cent of all site cables. Twenty of these tools are being provided initially for use on the Stalybridge contract, a contract to replace a major substation serving Manchester.

ABB has a number of active health and safety initiatives in place including its own ‘Stop hurting people’ project and its participation in National Grid’s ‘Road to Zero’ campaign.

“ABB has an excellent safety record and increasingly this fact helps us win business. We work with a wide range of customer and supplier partners from National Grid to Grosvenor Power Services to maintain the highest possible standards, balancing safety with site performance,” said Jon Ackerley, ABB’s project manager.

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