Young engineers celebrated

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The IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), has announced the winners of the 2006 IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards.
The IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year title was awarded to Katy Deacon, 27, an electrical engineer for Kirklees Metropolitan Council, based in Huddersfield. Deacon has worked on a variety of projects including the use of wind turbines and solar power for schools and colleges. She also secured funding for and created a renewable energy tool kit to aid architects, engineers and developers in making the best use of integrated renewable energy technologies in building development. Deacon is currently developing an automated reading system to monitor the consumption of electricity, gas and water across the council’s buildings. Professor Julia King, Head of the Department of Engineering at Imperial College London, presented the winner with a cheque for £1,000, an engraved trophy and certificate.
The WES (Women’s Engineering Society) Award, the runner up prize to the main award, was presented to Maire McLoone, 28, from Belfast.
The Mary George Memorial Prize, an award given to a young woman who shows great promise and potential in the profession and is tipped to be one of tomorrow’s leaders in engineering, was won by Suzanne Stamford, 24, from Eaton Socon in Cambridgeshire.
The Dyson Young Woman Engineering Apprentice of the Year award was won by Charlotte Dean, 22, from Flintshire, Wales. This award is new to the Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards and is sponsored by the James Dyson Foundation.

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