Energy management promotion

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The Institution of Engineering and Technology, (IET), has called on the government to promote greater public engagement in energy management, and to ensure skills keep up with demand in this potential new market.
The IET’s comments came as the Trade and Industry’s Select Committee published its report “Local Energy: turning consumers into producers”. The Committee’s acknowledgement that substantial local generation would represent a significant shift requiring long term commitment on the part of the government considerably advances the policy debate on this subject.
John Loughhead, chair of the IET’s Energy Sector Panel, said:” The energy challenge is enormous, and all technologies that help address it at all levels need to be encouraged. The public has a crucial role to play, and government policies need to offer guidance and support in creating an engaged base of consumers and, potentially, producers. “
The IET’s independent studies of local generation show it could enhance the energy mix, by exploiting localised renewable energy sources and minimising transmission and distribution costs. However, it can only fulfil its potential if consumers become more ‘switched on’ to their energy use more generally. It suggests government will have to be resolute in supporting this process, and be willing to adopt innovative approaches to reach the public. Making sure there are enough properly trained technicians to install and maintain the technology is fundamental for public confidence and the success of local generation.
John Loughhead gave evidence on behalf of the IET to the Trade and Industry Select Committee in October 2006 reporting on the potential contribution of local generation and the technologies associated with it.

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