Libraries benefit from free guides

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A full set of Cibse’s industry standard guidance, the Cibse Guides, which offer comprehensive technical guidance on key areas of building services, is to be sent free-of-charge, to every university offering accredited building services courses. This is part of a new initiative to support the next generation of engineers.
University libraries in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales will receive the updated versions as and when they are published, with Guides C on Reference Data and Guide H on Building Control Systems due out next year.
Cibse chief executive Stephen Matthews said: “Providing the university departments with the free guides is an important step in strengthening links between learning and industry and promotes the provision of accredited building services courses.
The initiative is part of a long term strategy by Cibse to increase its work in promoting the building services industry and forms part of a wider careers policy including bursaries and scholarships.
As well as disseminating all the Cibse Guides to accredited course universities, PROD has developed the Knowledge Series, a number of key publications which focus on specific issues within building services engineering, facilities management and energy management.
For more information about the Cibse Guides, or to get your copies of any knowledge series publication before the scheduled price rise in January, go to

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