Fire service installs turbine to generate electricity

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The Fire Brigade is helping to cut carbon emissions by installing a wind turbine at one of its stations.
The rooftop turbine, which has been erected at Hayes Fire Station in Greater London, will produce around 8% of the electricity consumed by the station.
It is expected the turbine will save some 1.6 tonnes of carbon emissions a year.
It absorbs a wide range of frequencies, can withstand extreme weather conditions and will also be connected to the local electricity grid, offering the station a chance to earn money on any unused electricity.
This is part on an on-going scheme to tackle climate change.
In January 2005, Tooting fire station installed a solar heating system, which uses the sun to heat water.
Richmond fire station also installed a carbon saving system in 2005. A collection of 80 photovoltaic roof panels convert daylight into electricity.
According to Val Shawcross, chairwoman of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, energy issues are a key priority for the fire brigade.
“We have a number of schemes to help reduce the im\pact of our operations on the environment. There are also many financial benefits to generating our own clean energy. We will continue working to identify the most suitable sites, technology and installations for future projects,” she added.

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