From Strategy to RealityDomestic and Commercial CHP Conference 2006

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The Domestic & Commercial CHP Conference, 'From Strategy to Reality' will take place at the Marriott Hotel Kensington, London on 15 November 2006.

The Microgeneration Strategy is scheduled for publication in April, and it will provide the clearest evidence yet of the Government's thinking towards this vital sector. By November, we will know what contribution domestic and commercial combined heat and power can make to the energy mix of the next decade and beyond.

Continuing the success of the last two years' events, the thought-provoking mix of presentations at DCHP 2006 will reflect all aspects of the Government's energy strategy, and in particular, its objectives as they relate to domestic CHP.

The session headings are:
Securing supply
Reducing emissions
Eradicating fuel poverty
Staying competitive

If you are involved in energy, housing or construction, this event is not to be missed

Why you should attend

• Assess how the Government's new Microgeneration Strategy will affect domestic and commercial CHP technology
• Analyse the results of major field trials and product developments in the DCHP sector
• Learn what DCHP can contribute to meeting the UK's objectives under the Kyoto Protocols
• Benefit from the experiences of housing associations, local authorities and Government departments
• Create a new market to include utilities, installers and distribution companies

For more information about the conference please contact: Sue Colyer on +44 (0) 1322 611421 or email [email protected]

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