Government announces more solar funding

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Energy minister Malcolm Wicks today announced the latest successful solar energy schemes to receive government money under the Solar Photovoltaic Major Demonstration Programme.

Wicks said: “Solar is a clean, green energy source that the government is supporting through this funding programme and which we will continue to support in future with the Low Carbon Building strategy currently being developed. The successful applicants announced today have all demonstrated practical and exciting projects that will add to the proportion of the UK’s energy that comes from renewable sources.”

London’s Regent Street, City Hall and an Eco Centre in Wales are among 18 projects that will share over £1.5m in funding, with housing development and education centre schemes also given the go-ahead.

The DTI’s PV programme began in 2002 to help meet the UK’s longer term needs for clean electricity supplies. It contributes toward the government’s ‘10% renewable energy by 2010’ target. The Energy Saving Trust on behalf of the DTI administers the programme, which to date has given out grants totalling over £20m.

There is still funding available for large-scale projects, with 2 September and 2 December as deadlines for applications. For more information on how to apply, contact the Energy Saving Trust on 0800 298 3978 or visit

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