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Klaxon Signals, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of audible and visual signalling equipment, will be displaying the latest innovations in the field at this year’s International Fire Expo and IFSEC.

At Fire Expo, the company will be showcasing products from its new fire range. These include Syrex sounders, the Klaxalarm and Klaxalarm Boxer, base sounders, compact sounders and the EZ-Exit.

Also previewing at Fire Expo will be new variants of the Sonos, a unique multi-purpose alarm sounder optimised for fire applications. One such variant is the DC Sonos with LED beacon which, when combined with the new TimeSaver Base®, offers greater installation flexibility and cost savings due to reduced sounder circuit loading.

At IFSEC, Klaxon Signals will be displaying its revised range of Flashguard security sounders as well as its existing Master Blaster and Inferno products. The full Flashguard range now consists of the C-Series (Compact), M-Series (Metal), P-Series (Power) and the more recent V-Series (Vertical) and H-Series (Horizontal).

The Flashguard P-Series consists of the Masterblaster and the Inferno. The Masterblaster is a unique security siren with a very high sound output that can be mounted internally and heard externally. The Inferno is a powerful internal security sounder that effectively stops intruders in their tracks by generating a unique, intolerable noise which forces intruders to leave the vicinity.

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