2.8m boost for women in science

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The UK Resource Centre for Women in Set (science, engineering and technology) will receive a £2.8m boost, the trade and industry secretary, Patricia Hewitt, announced this week.

The centre, designed to assist the recruitment, retention and progression of women in Set careers, will receive an additional £800k in 2006/07 and a further boost of £2m in 2007/08 from the science budget allocations that were announced recently.
Hewitt said: “The UK science base is world class and record levels of funding show our commitment to sustaining this. But to stay at the forefront we need to harness all of our potential.
“We cannot afford to ignore the massive contribution that women make to our economy. The resource centre plays a vital role in encouraging and supporting women in science and engineering careers.”
The funding will help the centre continue its vital work and areas where the money will be

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