Steps taken to a sustainable future

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A cogeneration unit has been installed at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre for South Gloucestershire Council.

To enable the new leisure centre to be operational while saving on running costs, a CGC 110kWe cogeneration unit has been installed and interfaced with a new plant room. To maximise the site energy efficiency, a thermal link was installed between the new boiler plant, cogeneration unit and the existing constant temperature boiler system.
The unit is intended to be operational 17 hours a day, seven days a week. Not only will the cogeneration unit save thousands of pounds, the environmental savings are anticipated to be in the region of 260 tonnes per year, in terms of CO2 emissions.

Cogenco has supplied the unit, under a risk free finance scheme that requires no capital outlay for South Gloucestershire Council. The council simply pay a discounted p/kWh tariff for energy used, which includes associated maintenance costs for the contract period and gas costs to operate the unit. Heat produced by the cogeneration unit is free.

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