Morley-IAS multi-protocol capability makes Riyadh hospital fire systems upgrade a successful operat

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The two main fire protection system in one of Saudi Arabia's largest hospitals, the Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh, has been upgraded by Energy House, one of the leading fire protection companies in the Middle East, using Morley-IAS Zx Series addressable panels. The new system now covers the entire complex, with 12 networked Zx panels controlling 4 separate detection systems and 39 extinguishing systems. A central graphics display and two strategically located repeater panels provide status information throughout the complex.

The main fire system in the original buildings, with around 2500 detectors, 300 manual call points and 300 sounders, was originally installed some 20 years ago; it had recently been declared obsolete by the original manufacturer. To minimise disruption and keep costs down, Energy House was able to use the existing wiring with minimum modifications, replacing the panels, detectors and other devices on a rolling basis over a period of one year, with no area being unprotected for more than 24 hours.

As the hospital has expanded over the years, smaller independent fire systems had been installed in the new buildings. Energy House were able to replace the panels in other existing systems, using the Zx panel's multi-protocol and auto-learn capabilities to bring all the systems up to modern day standards, again with the minimum of disruption to the day-to-day working of the hospital.

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