Flat pack version of multi-function Image 620 cabinet

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All sizes of APW Enclosure Solutions' Image 620 are now available as a pack flat version, enabling transportation costs to be significantly reduced on long-haul deliveries. Supplied as sets of three racks on a single pallet, some 60 pack flat versions can be fitted into a standard forty-foot container, an increase of more than 65% over the number of assembled units that can be accommodated.

The Image 620, available in heights of 27U to 43U, widths of 600 or 800mm and depths of 600, 800 and 1000mm, combines outstanding functionality with elegant styling. It is a versatile multi-function enclosure, designed for the networking, broadcast, electronics and security markets. It offers the networking installer excellent cable management facilities, while the comprehensive range of accessories, many of them shared with other APW enclosures, and the 500kg load rating make it a versatile and easily configured cabinet.

Plain or vented steel or glass doors, a comprehensive range of thermal management products, plinths, shelves, trays, cable entries and many other accessories are available, enabling the Image 620 to be optimised for use in many different applications across a number of served industries.

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