‘Defra should consult engineers on climate change,’ says IEE

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Four of the UK's largest professional engineering bodies have expressed concerns regarding the scientific viability of Defra's recent consultation on the milestone review of the UK Climate Change Programme.

While welcoming Defra's decision to consult on a topic of such importance, the engineering community was disappointed to observe that the organisations approached by Defra did not include any of the UK's engineering institutions and was limited in its representation of academic establishments.

The professional engineering bodies concerned about the consultation include the IEE, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Chemical Engineers.

IChemE's energy spokesman, David White, said: “Defra wants to hear the views of the National Trust, Greenpeace and the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England but not those of the UK engineering community.”

“This limited consultation of the scientific and engineering communities will cast doubt on the government's commitment to science and technology,” said John Loughhead, chair of the IEE's Energy Sector Panel. “The UK cannot credibly claim to be a global leader on climate change issues if the government overlooks the substantial knowledge and expertise existing within the UK's scientific and engineering communities.”

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