Off-site deal saves £250,000

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Eight new wind turbines in Lincolnshire have begun turning, generating enough ‘clean’ electricity to power over 4,000 homes.

The wind park at Mablethorpe, on the east coast, has been developed by Ecotricity, which also built Lincolnshire’s first two wind turbines at this site in 2002.

The project is hoped to help Co-operative Bank and CIS (CFS) save money. Electricity from six of the wind turbines is allocated to supply their offices throughout the UK, saving them around £250,000 over the lifetime of the contract in an ‘off-site’ Merchant Wind Power deal with Ecotricity. The rest of the ‘clean’ electricity will be provided to Ecotricity’s domestic customers at the same price as conventional electricity.

Paul Monaghan, head of sustainability at CFS, said: “We already source virtually all of our electricity from renewable sources, but this deal will ensure that we are supporting the creation of new generation capacity in the UK and saving money. Business should stop bleating about the price of green electricity and commit to long-term purchase arrangements such as this.”

The project has become something of a tourist attraction and, at the request of East Lindsey District Council, Ecotricity has provided onsite visitor parking and information about the construction and generation capabilities of the wind turbines.

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