Hunter Memorial Lecture

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This year’s Hunter Memorial Lecture will take place at The IEE, Austin Court, Birmingham on 9 December 2004. The Challenge for Wind Power Generation will be presented by Professor Peter Tavner from the University of Durham.

The lecture will review the technical developments that have made modern wind turbines possible and the advances that must be made to ensure the place of wind as a secure, reliable source of electrical power.

Professor Tavner will demonstrate some of the key features of wind turbines design, manufacture, installation and control important to power engineers. This will include the source variability, control, energy production rate and reliability of modern wind turbines.

Peter Tavner is the Professor of New and Renewable Energy in the School of Engineering at the University of Durham. He has held a number of research and senior technical positions including technical director of Laurence, Scott and Electromotors and Brush Electrical Machines. Most recently he has been group technical director of FKI Technology, manufacturer of wind turbines, electrical machines, electrical drives, dynamometers, transformers and switchgear.

The lecture will be followed by dinner in the Lodge Rooms at the IEE, Austin Court, Birmingham. For more information visit

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