Methodist Central Hall comes out of the shade

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Central Hall, Westminster has recently commissioned an external lighting scheme, feeling left in the shadow of its illuminated neighbours Westminster Abbey and the QE II Conference Centre.

This project provided some real challenges as two of its most prominent facades face the pavement, so fittings had to be mounted on Central Hall itself. The building is also Grade II listed, so any damage to the fabric must be avoided. This limits any contractor’s freedom to install additional cabling for the control of lighting. Simon Ablett, the Halls conservation architect approached Sutton Vane Associates for a solution.

The problem of how to achieve perfect synchronization of all 30 light fittings round the building when they were switched on every evening and switched off every morning was solved by the installation of a Smartswitch System. The Smartswitch System is provided by Exodus Controls, a division of the Fitzgerald Lighting Group.

This systems wireless set up provides effortless control of the lit environment, utilizing FM radio signals to supply long range, secure switching and also negating the need for wiring and damaging sensitive heritage buildings. The entire project also had to be completed on a budget relatively modest for the size and prominence of the building.

Economical, simple to install and reliable, Smartswitch has ensured that Methodist Central Hall is no longer outshone by its neighbours.

For further information regarding this news release, please contact
Zoe Tait, Fitzgerald Lighting Ltd, Tel 01208 262 200 Fax 01208 262 334

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