Big players miss out in healthy cabling market

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A new market study claims that the largest industry players are missing out in a healthy cabling market. Contrary to the belief that smaller companies are being forced out of the market, by their larger counterparts, the analysis suggests they are in fact prospering – while larger companies are fighting each other. With the overall market showing such a healthy turnaround, the report raises the issue of why so many major players have failed to exploit such favourable conditions. David Pattison, Senior Analyst at Plimsoll, commented:

“There is clear evidence of stagnation at the top of the market. Sixty-three of the top 100 companies failed to increase sales above inflation compared to 58 last year. With many also experiencing rising costs, their future direction now looks uncertain.”

He claims that the top end of the cabling market is congested, with no room for any of the major companies to breath. “In other markets where this has been the case, there has been a series of major acquisitions to clear the air,” Pattison added.

A special 10% discount is being offered to readers of Electrical Times and Electrical Review, for the 360-page report (normal price: £500.) Email: [email protected] to order a copy and get your readership discount.

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