London Energy launches online account service

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London Energy has launched Energy Zone, an online electricity account service for its major business customers. It allows customers to view and download data for any specific half-hourly meter or account and obtain data for any range of invoice periods.

Energy Zone provides the consumption data for smaller properties with non-half-hourly meters that are read on a monthly or quarterly basis. Users can choose any range of dates, including, in some cases, data prior to registration. Available online data includes meter number, read date, invoice date, maximum demand and rate types. Customers can also submit meter readings for their non-half-hourly metered properties.

The on-line scheme will allow subscribers to post documents and data related to their energy accounts into Document Exchange, a secure online environment that is accessible at any time. Document Exchange enables customers to keep all their important energy account information in one secure place and to control who has access to these files.

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