Nuclear power fading in the West

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Construction of nuclear power plants has virtually ceased in Western Europe and North American countries with long-standing nuclear power programmes, according to a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Eighteen of the 27 nuclear power plants under construction are located in Asia, where 22 of the last 31 plants were also created.

The IAEA says that although four countries in Western Europe have decided to close their nuclear energy plants, the future of nuclear energy in Europe and North America is still uncertain. Only one nuclear power plant is being constructed in Western Europe and none are planned for construction in North America.

The director general of the IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, said: “The more we look to the future, the more we can expect countries to be considering the potential benefits that expanding nuclear power has to offer for the global environment and for economic growth.

“The decision to adopt nuclear power cannot be made on a ‘one-size-fits-all’ basis. New nuclear plants are most attractive where energy demand is growing and alternative resources are scarce, and where energy security and reduced air pollution and greenhouse gases are a priority. But some countries have rejected nuclear power in their energy mix because of concerns about safety and waste.”

(For more on the IAEA report, see the July issue of Electrical Review.)

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