SES backs up £31m Defra Project

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SES has installed a 7m-long, 16-cylinder, turbo-charged diesel generator at the bespoke Energy Centre of its £10m building services contract at Defra in Weybridge.

The 16-tonne generator, which has a rating of 2,000kVA, 1,600KW at a 0.8 power factor, will be used as the back-up energy source for a new large laboratory block if there is any disruption to the building’s regular power supply.

Currently still under construction, the installation forms part of the total £31.7m Veterinary Laboratories Agency’s Phase 1 Redevelopment Project comprising the construction of a new 10,000m2 combined laboratory and office building with a separate 1,200m2 Energy Centre.

The principal contractor for the Phase 1 Development is Shepherd Construction and the building is due to open officially in spring 2005.

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