Group launched for nuclear clean-ups

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British Nuclear Fuels this week launched its nuclear clean-up business, which will operate in the UK, mainland Europe and the USA.

British Nuclear Group (BNG) enters a competitive market as a standalone business from 1 April 2005. Its aim is to engage with the challenges laid out by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and initially to continue operating Sellafield's nuclear reprocessing businesses and its Magnox nuclear power stations.

The company will have 15,000 employees, a £2bn initial annual turnover and will benefit from BNFL’s 30-years’ experience of decommissioning over 50 worldwide nuclear facilities.

The chief executive of BNG, Lawrie Haynes, said: “British Nuclear Group will significantly enhance the clean-up of the nuclear legacy, both at home and abroad. In the UK, our focus will be on delivering innovative clean-up programmes for the NDA to enable them to demonstrate value for money for the UK taxpayer.

“I am absolutely confident that with the knowledge, skills and experience that British Nuclear Group has, we will deliver success for all our customers.”

BNG comprises three business divisions: Management Services, Project Services and BNFL Inc.

Management Services, which consists of the Sellafield site, the Magnox operating and decommissioning power station sites and the Capenhurst site, will be responsible for the delivery of accelerated site clean-up and operations. Project Services will perform the role of sub-contractor to Site Licensee Companies while continuing to provide technical solutions to customers. BNFL Inc. will apply UK-driven solutions in the US commercial market while sharing with the UK specific skills drawn from experience of operating in the US clean-up market.

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