Early detection

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The ultrasonic and transient earth voltage detection hand-held instrument from EA Technology combines ultrasonic sensors to pick up early signs of surface discharge, with transient earth voltage sensors to detect internal discharges, in electricity switchgear.
Called UltraTEV, it features two indicator lights for ultrasonic activity and TEV activity. The TEV indicator shows green for ‘Okay’, amber for ‘warrants checking more frequently’, and red for ‘requires immediate investigation using more sophisticated instruments’.
The key to the UltraTEV's accuracy is the threshold levels to which the condition indicators have been set. These were derived from measurements of partial discharge taken in 6,000 substations and involving nearly 50,000 switches. They are stored in a database, which has been built up by EA Technology over more than 37 years.

EA Technology
Call: 0151 339 4181

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