Amey decentralises RAF Valley standby power

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Royal Air Force Valley, Anglesey, has moved to meet Nato?s Stanag 3316 agreement by replacing a centralised standby generator on its aeronautical ground lighting systems with five diesel generators.

Supplied to Amey BFPO Services, RAF Valley?s works service management company, the generators are able to restore power to localised areas around the site within 15 seconds of a power cut.

?We went out to competitive tender with a very stringent specification, which very few companies were able to meet,? said John Leathwood, electrical engineer for Amey Facilities Management.

?Scorpion Power Systems won the tender as it was able to provide the best value for money, has an excellent track record and the experience and expertise to undertake such assignments.?

Previously, RAF Valley relied on a single generator. This left the system vulnerable in the event of a localised power failure, as the central system wouldn?t detect the fault and the power would remain down. The use of five separate generators increases the security of supply and also enables localised maintenance to be carried out without disrupting the entire system.

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